Hello and we hope the reader in a healthy condition. The group black widow and it consists of 5 students named Jamuna Aniza, Nurul Athirah , Muhammad Aqif Zafran, Muhammad Aiman Akif, Rabi atul Adawiyah. We would like to share with you about the most popular topics nowadays. Our topic is a creepy or haunted doll. What is haunted doll? According to dictionary, haunted means inhabit, visit or to appear in the form of ghost or other supernatural being in something and we sure you know what a doll is. Some say that this is all nonsense , there are also those who say this is all true. Do you believe? or not?  In this blog we will give you a little information about the haunted doll. It`s up to you if you want to believe or deny the existence of these entities.

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