Hi and assalamualaikum to all readers todaywewould like to talk about the most creepy doll and we also know it from the famous movie. It was Annabelle. Annabelle is most haunted creepy doll. As we watch the movie. We can know that this Annabelle has be haunt within the year 1970's on the one family. This Annabelle it just like the normal doll. Like the other doll. Children play with it. From our research there was two paranormal has helped that those family. When we do the research also we found there are many story about this doll. And we have prepare some story about this story we hope all the readers enjoy reading.

 Annabelle was the focus of a case that famed paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren took part in during the early 1970s , and his highlighted in the book The demologist. It has been stated that this is one of the most unusual casses of the possesed object on record. 

Annabelle was owned by a lovely young couple named Mia (Annabelle Wallis) and John (Ward Horton). In the run-up to the birth of their first child, John gave his wife the doll as a part of her extensive collection. The female cultist happens to be named Annabelle Higgins, and some of her blood lands on the doll Annabelle. Before you know it, Mia is seeing shadowy figures on the stairs, hearing noises in the night and realizing that something evil wants her baby.

Thematically, nothing in “Annabelle” is developed beyond a level that might make it suitable for horror movie manipulations. When we meet religious characters like Father Perez (Tony Amendola), “Annabelle” threatens to take on some "The Exorcist" or "The Omen"-like undertones, chronicling a time when some felt that Americans lost touch with their religious institutions. But the movie doesn’t really go there. When no one believes Mia’s haunting stories, “Annabelle” threatens to become a piece about how new mothers can be ignored, their concerns portrayed as the byproduct of hormones. But this notion isn't developed, either. 

There are other problems. Wallis and Horton are remarkably unengaging leads. She mumbles, he over-emotes, and the doll is allowed to steal scenes. And the film is visually flat. Pan reveals (panning across a door or room to reveal something in the background) are over-used, and the sound is mixed to grating levels. It’s a movie that screams "Boo!" instead of trying to get under your skin. There is one great set piece involving a storage unit in the basement and an elevator that just won’t leave it, but that’s something you can watch on cable later, while ignoring the weak film that surrounds it.                                        
  We hope you enjoyed this article and should you ever want to visit the infamous Annabelle, she can be found at the Warren Occult Museum in Moodus, Connecticut. The museum is run by Lorraine Warren, the famous paranormal investigator, and now frequent guest on the television show "Paranormal State". Housed in a glass case at the museum you will find Annabelle. Mrs. Warren relates that Annabelle still moves about occasionally and is still known to make growling noises at unsuspecting visitors....

Our opinion on this story. As a person we should check and make sure that the place that we stayed are safe from the spirit. And as person we should not play or disturb the spirit. As we all know that the spirit will haunt us until it get what it wants.

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