Assalamualaikum and Hi to all readers . Today I would like to share about my knowledge of "Voodoo Zombie Doll". Our group are love to find about ghost, creepy doll and some scary story. So, this another entry we will make readers feel scared when read this doll story . This doll are the haunted doll. From it doll itself we can see it was very creepy and makes everyone feel scared on it. We had also do some research for this doll. Many story of this doll has appeared on the internet. But we had take some story from the internet. And we also write it based on our knowledge.
Let's us begin with the story and some history of the doll. We hope all readers enjoy while read this story and history
That a woman in Galveston, Texas bought Voodoo Zombie Doll in one of the websites who that sell a many things including this "thing" too , that we call "ebay". She buy it on October of 2004. The process did went well , arrival in her doorstep. The condition as described bound and tied in a metal box and also with coffin too. "A real big mistake" shes say with a great fear. In a couple of week, everyday also every night the doll was attacked her, repeatedly. She decided to destroy it by burning it first. But the doll does'nt work , it would not burn. The dolls also haunted her in a dream. The girl also decided to cutting it up but the knife and scissors broke and finally burying it at a cemetery , after the burning is unsuccessful. After she come back to their house from cemetery, she found that doll lying dirty on her front door step. What i was read , that girl resold that doll on ebay , and someone was buy it. Then the buyer wrote to she that the doll had just disappeared from her home and the doll was on her front door step once again!
She put it the doll back in its coffin. But for a couple of week, she heard evil laughs and giggles. but she wouldn't dare to check whats going on.

They said the Voodoo Zombie Doll was very active and almost alive. it went on to say that the new owner had to follow the rules for keeping the doll and never to open the box , even to view it.

Others have offered to take it off her hands, but no one has ever called or showed up. People think she's crazy, she says. But, she knows she is not. "It's really haunted", she states. 

After a 2 years later, she keep the doll in a hidden from a house , such as attic perhaps. She also said that she want to sell her house and move to somewhere that can nobody else can find out that the haunted doll or let it out!
From this story, we should know that we should not buy anything or bought anything from the internet especially a doll like this. If we own it and have it for our self it can cause harm to our self. As a person we should always be beware on buying a doll or a things on the online.

1 comment:

  1. Your grammar is the true scary part of this story. So many mistakes 😖😖


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