Assalamualaikum and hi to all readers and supporters for our blog. On this new entry we would to tell a history and little bit story on this Patty Reed's Doll. This doll are the famous doll on the 1846. It actually a name of one girl but it have it own story how the name is be the doll name. From our research this doll are not the creepy doll. . 

Patty is not the haunted doll but it call creepy because the doll look and for me we will say yes if everyone said it was the creepy doll.
There is no people have own this doll. Because the doll have been kept in on of the famous museum. However, there are the story that we should know about this doll. It not a scary story to us. But it give an information to us. For us to know more about this story. We have combined the history and the story of this doll. We hope all the readers enjoy reading this story. 

The picture show the girl name Patty Reed.
Patty was a eight years old, and she was travelling to the California in 1846 with her family and the other pioneers, a group that is know to a history as a Donner Party.

As everyone may already know Donner Party is a group of travelers that became snowbound and turned to eating bits of leather, mice , old bones and finally each other. 
On the halfway through their journey the Reed has asked Patty to get rid all her toys and her other unnecessary items to lose the weight of the coach load. Though she have been complied, Patty had managed to keep her beloved doll under the beneath on her dress.
The doll, along with the entire Reed family, and it was miracle that their are survived very grest journey west and they was able to enjoy a comfortable life in San Jose
Patty's doll now is on a display at the Sutter's Fort State Historical Part Museum in Sacramento, California. This doll are not own by a person. It always stay in the museum so people won't have it and keep it for themself.
As we all know Patty is call as a creepy doll because it has acreepy face that we scare to look especially children. Although it wasa normal doll. But inside on it we don't know . This doll are also the haunted doll like the other doll. My opinion about this doll is this doll are creepy. Because i have do some research and read more story about this doll. And people on that year said it was the famous doll. Because the name are same as the girl name. As person we should getting know about a thing before we want to play with.

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