Assalamualaikum to our blog supporters , thank you very much for following our stories on our blog. Today we would like to share about Robert The Doll or often called as Robert The Enchanted Doll. This doll was owned by Key West painter and author , Robert Eugene Otto. The doll rumored to be possesed by spirits and had a terrifying reputation. This entry about one located in the Fort East Martello Museum.
This doll is cursed and haunted doll. This doll was haunted not because the doll itself but it from the spirit from the doll. This Robert doll was the inspiration for 1988's horror film , Child's Play. We chose this story because it had a good and scary storyline. We hope the readers and supporters will enjoy this post.

The doll's history started at late 1800s. The Robert's father , Thomas Otto and his family moved in to a mansion at the corner of Eaton and Simonton streets in Key West, Florida .Their family were known to be stern with their servants, sometimes even mistreating them. It was the treatment of one such Haitian servant that provides a twist in this story. One of their servant is supposed to take care their son , Robert. One day , Mr Thomas's wife , witnessed one of her servant practicing black magic in their backyard and immediately fired her. Before she left, the woman gave Robert a lifelike doll which stood 3 feet tall, had buttons for eyes, human hair , and was filled with straw.
 Dolls that resembled children were not unheard of during this time, but this one proved to be special. Robert named the doll after himself and often dressed it in his clothes. Robert, the doll, became his trustworthy companion. He took it with him on shopping trips into town. The doll had a seat at the dinner table where Robert would sneak it bites of food when his parents weren't looking. Robert would even be tucked into bed with the boy at night. Soon this innocent relationship took on a strange nature.
 Soon after, Robert chose to be referred to by his middle name, Gene, after being scolded by his mother. He told her that Robert was the doll's name, not his. Gene always heard in his toy room having conversations with Robert. Gene always  worrying the servants and his mother. She would, on occasion, burst in to find her son cowering in a corner while Robert sat perched in a chair or on the bed glaring at him.

In the end , the great aunt of their family asked them to remove Robert from his care and placed him in a box in the attic. This is where he resided for many years. Robert was later moved to the East Martello Museum in Key West, where he sits perched in a glass box. With his new living quarters, the doll is believed still being a scary doll. Visitors and employees claim they have seen the doll move.To this day, Robert remains at the East Martello Museum in his sailor suit clutching his stuffed lion.

As a conclusion ,  we should treat people nicely and do not trust people easily. Even our servant or worker should be treated nicely by us. This doll is creepy because it can talk and move like others haunted doll. Plus , it can curse people just by looking at them. At the museum , if you want to take a picture of him, you must ask politely. He'll tilt his head in permission. However, if he doesn't and you take the picture anyways, he will curse you and anyone who accompanied you to the museum. The same will happen if you make fun of him.

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